The (Video!) Adventure Begins

December 18, 2013

So you want to know MORE about Ultima Thule? Go deeper into the beautiful photographs we've been sharing with you and further encourage the 'wish you were here' feeling? Well, DA DA DAAA! Here it is folks!

We’re thrilled to present the first installment of Beyond, a new video series which will give you a chance to fly along with the Claus family and guests as they explore the Alaskan wilderness. Soar between mountain peaks. Sail high above country which is home to moose, bears and wolves. Touch down in a patch of pristine wilderness where no human has ever set foot before, and picnic in a field of wildflowers.

This beautiful video series will give a sense of what people mean when they say that riding in a light bush plane like the Supercub is the closest thing you will ever experience to strapping on a pair of wings and soaring like a bird.

STAY TUNED! Throughout the winter we’ll be adding new episodes. You'll have a chance to meet the Claus family, learn the story of their unique life and the incredable history of how Ultima Thule came to be one of the only private lodges which are permitted to operate inside the world’s largest protected wilderness. Fly along on an unforgettable Alaskan sight-seeing safari as the family and pilots of Ultima Thule Lodge take you BEYOND.

Join us here on the blog or follow us on Facebook or on youtube to be sure you won’t miss the next episode COMING SOON!

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